
Showing posts from August 22, 2010


IT WAS A DREAM, NOW IT IS A VISION The 21st of August of 2010 early in the morning while I was in my bed I heard the ineluctable sound of the heaven’s bells. It was really inspiring, that sound harmonized the melody of my inner and exterior life, I felt the heaven was coming down to interfuse the earth. I was so fascinated so an ineffable and strength power moved me to get up from my bed to go to experience the exclusiveness of that day, to see why that day was so special, to listen to that celestial sound, but I did not go where to go because that sound seemed to be transcendental but immanent at the same so my human reason was not enough to discover that angelical event. I wanted to ask some people but my preconceptions told me that special moments are only experienced by those who answer incommensurable invitations. When the reason is not sufficient faith has wings of fire with which we can fly everywhere, so obstinately I went ahead, I continued my way without a concrete directio...