The 21st of August of 2010 early in the morning while I was in my bed I heard the ineluctable sound of the heaven’s bells. It was really inspiring, that sound harmonized the melody of my inner and exterior life, I felt the heaven was coming down to interfuse the earth. I was so fascinated so an ineffable and strength power moved me to get up from my bed to go to experience the exclusiveness of that day, to see why that day was so special, to listen to that celestial sound, but I did not go where to go because that sound seemed to be transcendental but immanent at the same so my human reason was not enough to discover that angelical event. I wanted to ask some people but my preconceptions told me that special moments are only experienced by those who answer incommensurable invitations. When the reason is not sufficient faith has wings of fire with which we can fly everywhere, so obstinately I went ahead, I continued my way without a concrete direction. The bells’ sound became stronger and stronger so it made me feel more optimistic because I said: well! I am very close to that “promised land”. I continued walking as a pilgrim lost in the immensity of a desert where the soul longs for satisfaction.

I have been taught to stop in order to walk, I did it so, I lifted up my eyes and suddenly I saw a big house looking like a tabernacle of beauty, like an spiritual altar, I came closer but the bells’ sound disappeared because it became part of my being, of my inner voice. After some minutes I saw many people going to that house, I looked at everyone carefully and it seemed to me they were carrying flames of life and their heads, all were lovely people, they were laughing, talking as if they have found or conquered another planet with brighter horizons. I was nervous but anxious to see what was going on inside of that spiritual temple. I speculated and wondered a lot, I said: probably there is a sacrifice or God has come down to visit his people. I saw the entrance door opened so I went trough with a voracious appetite, with an indomitable curiosity because I wanted to partake in that unknown event, suddenly I came into a long corridor, I stopped a little and I saw some inscrutable creatures wearing white clothes, they were in two columns, some of them were looking skeptical, others pensive, desperate and nervous, but obviously they were waiting for something to happen. Their time has come; they began singing while they were walking. I followed them. That song was so pleasant for my buoyant ears, I was extremely delighted. They came into a chapel slowly as if they were unworthy to step on that floor. Many people were waiting for them inside of that paladin of encounters; they sang as well, they stood up to receive those enigmatic beings as if they were heralds of new life or viceroys of truth. They arrived in front of the chapel’s altar and after a while they sat down forming half of a circle but as it always happens in my life, there was a man who called my complete attention who absorbed me with his infectious eyes and contagious smile, since that moment I looked only at him until every thing was finished. After some people spoke he went closer to the altar, he knelt while he was holding a burning candle on his right hand and a paper on his left hand. He began reading that paper, the words so beautiful like the sound of vernal showers up to the point that it came to touch my nerves, my veins, my muscles, my whole being, I was really encapsulated by those word’s aroma, my soul only could sing panegyrics and I said: indeed this is a providential day.

After all was finished I went immediately to ask him some questions that were beyond my human understanding because I could not find answers. He was looking transfigured as if he just came out from a process of mutation. What was that all about? I asked him. He answered with his capacious mouth: well! This is the prefiguration of my destiny which is to be in complete unity with God because he is the ultimate reason of my existence. Today I am consecrating my life to him exclusively. This seems crazy but believe me, my madness is sanity. I want to live as a resymbolization of the new world where there will not be need of material means nor power nor procreation because there everything is fulfilled with love. This is not an irrational miracle but rather an actualization of an idea which was in the mind of God. This explanation sounded to me really fascinating and plausible but I did not understand it at all because God’s projects are unfathomable. What are you going to do in the future? I asked him timidly. This is not about doing, this is about being, he told me with an imperative voice. God’s plan has to come back to its pristine state, he said eloquently. What have you seen is more than a ceremony, it is the amen of the Eucharist, it is the key to open the heavens today, nevertheless it is called first profession, he told me categorically, so you had your first profession I told him idly, yes I did, he said belligerently.
Sorry, we have been talking since some minutes ago but I did not ask your name, well! My name is Roli, he said proudly. Ahora soy un Hermano de la Caridad (I am a Brother of Charity now). God has been incarnated again.

My cognizance was not sufficient to understand that but I had the predilection of partaking in that divine banquet that is why this event will be an eternal reminiscence in my mind and it be written with golden letter in the pages of my heart.



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