
Showing posts from August 1, 2010


He escrito unos 80 poemas en Ingles en dos anos y medio. Mi proceso de formacion en este pais (Belgica) esta llegando a su termino por eso he empezado a escribir poemsas en Espanol y voy a tener el placer en publicarlos en mi blog para que tu que estas alla lo leas, lo disfrutes al menos por unos segundos y despues si tu quieres olvidate de eso porque normalmente lo que realmente nos hace feliz es efimero pero claro no nos damos cuenta que los mensajes permanecen eternos. Quiero escribir poemas, lo seguire haciendo porque creo que esa es una de las mas apropiadas maneras de ser inmortal. Solo intento llevar un poquito de vida a tu corazon con mis propias experiencias y sentimientos, yo no soy un historiador, por eso yo escribo y compongo acerca de mi misma vida y a raras veces acerca de la vida de otros porque en cierta manera las siento como mias y hace feliz.




Ultimately, I have the privilege to say whatever pleases me, I do it without fear, I feel I want to say everything. My English teacher gave a homework about an empirical researh, to be more specific it was about explaining to a friend all the steps of an empirical study, so I did it carefully but suddenly I said to myself, well I am going to write this in the introduccion, it was a small paragraph with some of my ideas of course, then I gave it to the teacher, but obviously I was waiting anxiously to get it back to see the teacher's comment, because I know some teachers do not like us to write about the reality because sometimes the truth is painful, so the solution is not to talk about it, let us live in a delusive reality, it is easier and better. I read the teacher's comment and started laughing at it because ultimately I laugh at my madness because it is sanity. I feel an enormous pleasure when I say whatever is in my mind. Phoenix.


There are some priorities in life, some of them can change our destiny but some of them can just help us to improve our skills. People say that is the consequence of discipline, but I do not believe it at all, I should say that priorities are consequencies of our goals and concerns about certain things. That is my case: when I arrived in Belgium I have decided to read, to speak and to write in English, so I did it, because I tlhought it was going to help me to improve my rudimentary English and fortunately it was the case. I wrote many poemas and texts in English, I read a lot of books in English with my voracious apetite and my indomitable curiosity, during two years and a half I never read an Spanish book, but as my return to Peru is closer I began writting poems and texts in Spanish, a couple of days ago I wrote five poems in my mother tongue (Spanish) because my English enviroment is going to change, when I am in Peru I will speak, read and write every day in that marvellous langua...