
Showing posts from May 9, 2010


Teachers, students and brothers in Kruibeke (Belgium)


Today the sun is shuning illuminating the windows of my mind. It is really absorbing to see the green trees, the green grass, it is simply wonderful to hear the birds singing sons of new life. It is a privilege for me to write some lines, I do it because I am "condemned" to do it, if I do not do it my destiny's direction will be chaotic and excruciating. I believe in what I write. I write because I do not want my thoughs be in that penumbra of isolation, I write to verbalize my sentiments, my emocions and because I want you be part of my felicity. I can write gorgeous lines but I tell you ony life can write huge books. I like to write poems as well because that is a way of expressing feelings, emotions, perpectives about a concrete reality. When you read these lines, do not think about tha past, just live the present with love and the future with optimism. Life is a dynamic process, every thing is in flux, every thing is changing constanly, you are the active actor in t...




I got up just inmediately after I heard my alarm clock ringing. I started doing all the things I use to do every morning because my rationality dictates me those paradigmas sometimes autistic but really effective. I shaved, I took my white towel, my shampoo, my shower gell and I went to take a warm shower, many minutes were already gone probably it does not seem to be productive but it is just a representation of what we call discipline which is in the nature of every human being but we need to discover it, to actulize it and to make it part of our lives. I do those things every morning up to the point that when I do not do it I feel something is missing, it makes me afraid, nervous and unfortunate, because when someone can not do what he/she likes to do is a degradation of his/her human dignity, now you can uderstand why I am writting these generous lines, it is because I like to do it, it is printed in the scrolls of my destiny, it is in my blood. In a few minutes time I have to go t...


Esta manana he despertado y el dia esta nublado y los sonidos celestiales no se escuchan como antes y mis ojos son testigos de este dia que no me deja ver mucho mas alla de lo puedo imaginar. Pero yo se que tengo la fuerza de espiritu para cambiar el sonido de este dia y solo tengo que hacer pequenas cosas como bailar sin musica o como llorar sin razon, solo porque mi corazon mi dice que la felicidad es llorar y llorar. Quiero cambiar la musica terrenal de este dia y convertirla en una musica celestial donde la mayoria pueda encontrar un lugar para reclinar sus cabezas. Permiteme cambiar el color de este y permiteme dibujar en tu corazon el mapa de aquel a veces impenetrable paraiso. Permiteme escribir en las paginas de tu corazon.


If the direction of my destiny changes I only ask you one thing: please, let me wear my golden earring, I can live without it but I miss it.


Some dreams are dreaming me. You can define life with marvelous words however it is incomplete because if your definition is correct it is not longer life, but in this moment I want to define it by using a methaphor: life is an orgasm, it is complete because the words of a poet say always more than what is written. I want to tell you I am here because you are there, I am here to feel at least for some ephimerous minutes the aristocratic respiration of Cleopatra. I am here because I was born to be here painting your roads with brigther colours, do not think about the writer, but rather about what he tries to say because that message is eternal.


It was a sunny day, that was a wonderful opportunity to take a glass of bear, but I must confess I drink it even when it is a chilly day because its attraction is as the words of a poet.


Hoy de despertado con ganas de escribir unas lineas en Espanol y lo hago porque creo que eso tambien esta escrito en los rollos de mi destino. En estos dias escribo mucho mas en Ingles que en Espanol. Hay muchas reminiscencias que son faciles recordarlas en mi propia lengua porque eso le da otro sabor y en cierta manera son mas emocionantes y atractivas. Hoy he querido escribir en mi lengua para enriquecerla y para vestirla de gallardia y para contemplarla sempiterna y ostentadora con su sin igual belleza que la caracteriza.


Life is dynamic, I used to have my hair very short but nowadays I have it with another look and I prefer the actual one. I know we change.




SHE DOES NOT KNOW TIME My mother does not have many things. My mother has many thorns in her feet. My mother is preparing the soil To sow corn and wheat My mother lifts up her hands Waiting for something. Many tears are running along her face She does not have bread to feed her offspring. Thinking about tomorrow She can not sleep in peace. Tomorrow is a new battle for her Against society’s injustice Sometimes she looks tired, pensive, and sad. It stops my heart for a while. She does not talk too much Just a few times she has smiled My mother works every day. She does not think about death. She is getting old She has many wrinkles on her forehead. She does not think about time She does not know holidays. She does not know day and night. She never saw a star shining in space. Blessed are the poor! Someone said. My mother does not believe it She needs the material bread She walks barefoot She never lifts up her head even if I tell her: look there! Perhaps she is ashamed She covers her f...