I got up just inmediately after I heard my alarm clock ringing. I started doing all the things I use to do every morning because my rationality dictates me those paradigmas sometimes autistic but really effective. I shaved, I took my white towel, my shampoo, my shower gell and I went to take a warm shower, many minutes were already gone probably it does not seem to be productive but it is just a representation of what we call discipline which is in the nature of every human being but we need to discover it, to actulize it and to make it part of our lives. I do those things every morning up to the point that when I do not do it I feel something is missing, it makes me afraid, nervous and unfortunate, because when someone can not do what he/she likes to do is a degradation of his/her human dignity, now you can uderstand why I am writting these generous lines, it is because I like to do it, it is printed in the scrolls of my destiny, it is in my blood. In a few minutes time I have to go to particpate in a Mass I can not understand yet the reason but that why I want to go there to understand the purpose of my actions or at least to believe it. Today I am wearing blue jeans, black shoes and a red pullover, I like it because nobody looks at me, they know if they do it they will get probalbly inferiority complexes. Before I leave I just want to bring you into another world, I want to tell you that live is more than to be alive, life is to know what are the kisses like, life is to dream as Julius Cesar did, life is to still Pharao's treasures. I want to tell you, life is a prolific universe of opportunities. Live today fully, tomorrow is anoter present time to be lived.
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