Where people are climbing the three of knowledge in order to get the fruit of a universe with brighter horizon for their trip to tomorrow, where people listen to pregnant words of wisdom to quench their thirst with some drops of elixir, there in that place called classroom the disagreements can condemn one as a blasphemer without respect. I believe a classroom is a temple where our spirit is elevated to contemplate the world with another perspective; a classroom should be the place where people are liberated from their delusive realities.
It was in 2009, in the morning when the rays of the sun were penetrating through the windows of the classroom. We were 15 students, I think talented ones, but with different visions about life. As it most of the time happens I was sitting in the first row. The teacher was sitting in front of everyone to indoctrinate us, because he thinks he is the owner of the truth. The course had a lot of information about dates and events of which I was not sure of their accuracy, but I knew that the most significant was the message behind those events and dates. Part of the course was to read some pages of a book related to the topic. It was my turn for reading; I did it skillfully, with style, grace and with great insight. Then it was the turn of the student sitting next to me. He was quite nervous and anxious because my presence is sometimes scaring and demanding. He stumbled on some difficult words, pronounced them in a way that sounded funny. I laughed at it because I do not feel responsible for other people's complexes. The teacher looked at me virulently and furiously. Suddenly the person who was reading escaped some lines of it, so I tried to help him, but again the teacher looked at me with poisonous eyes. 80% of our human communication is non-verbal.
After a long agony the reading was finished. The teacher gave us the texts for the next classes. Everyone but me was marking the texts, I was talking to my companion about the readings, and this disturbed the teacher! I began breathing faster. The teacher became furious and told me dictatorially to sit behind! I asked my favorite question: “why?” He asked me: “are you marking the text?” “I am not”, was my answer, and it was true. “I will read all”, I told him without inhibition and quite petulantly. The teacher to reply: “You are thinking only about yourself! Do you think you have authority here? You will not tell me what to do!” I tried to explain to the teacher my reasons but he became more furious. “Get out! Go away!”, he told me pathetically. I went behind without knowing where to go although there were many places; my face became red. There is a Chinese proverb which reads: “the wise man does not say what he knows, but the stupid man does not know what he says” I was ashamed because it was humiliating, I could not find a place to hide myself. I went out and told myself: You can send me out of the classroom, you can humiliate me, you can qualify me with many pejorative adjectives, and however you will never take away my way of looking at the reality.
Why are we afraid of living in a real world? Why do we want to keep people ignorant? Are we sure with our rules? Why do we sacralize the words? Do the rules have a supra temporal dimension?
An experience always helps me to look at the reality from different angles but at the same time it enables me to discover new boundaries in myself, I discovered unknown things about myself namely that I detest obligatory sentiments; I detest imperialistic ideas as well.
It was in 2009, in the morning when the rays of the sun were penetrating through the windows of the classroom. We were 15 students, I think talented ones, but with different visions about life. As it most of the time happens I was sitting in the first row. The teacher was sitting in front of everyone to indoctrinate us, because he thinks he is the owner of the truth. The course had a lot of information about dates and events of which I was not sure of their accuracy, but I knew that the most significant was the message behind those events and dates. Part of the course was to read some pages of a book related to the topic. It was my turn for reading; I did it skillfully, with style, grace and with great insight. Then it was the turn of the student sitting next to me. He was quite nervous and anxious because my presence is sometimes scaring and demanding. He stumbled on some difficult words, pronounced them in a way that sounded funny. I laughed at it because I do not feel responsible for other people's complexes. The teacher looked at me virulently and furiously. Suddenly the person who was reading escaped some lines of it, so I tried to help him, but again the teacher looked at me with poisonous eyes. 80% of our human communication is non-verbal.
After a long agony the reading was finished. The teacher gave us the texts for the next classes. Everyone but me was marking the texts, I was talking to my companion about the readings, and this disturbed the teacher! I began breathing faster. The teacher became furious and told me dictatorially to sit behind! I asked my favorite question: “why?” He asked me: “are you marking the text?” “I am not”, was my answer, and it was true. “I will read all”, I told him without inhibition and quite petulantly. The teacher to reply: “You are thinking only about yourself! Do you think you have authority here? You will not tell me what to do!” I tried to explain to the teacher my reasons but he became more furious. “Get out! Go away!”, he told me pathetically. I went behind without knowing where to go although there were many places; my face became red. There is a Chinese proverb which reads: “the wise man does not say what he knows, but the stupid man does not know what he says” I was ashamed because it was humiliating, I could not find a place to hide myself. I went out and told myself: You can send me out of the classroom, you can humiliate me, you can qualify me with many pejorative adjectives, and however you will never take away my way of looking at the reality.
Why are we afraid of living in a real world? Why do we want to keep people ignorant? Are we sure with our rules? Why do we sacralize the words? Do the rules have a supra temporal dimension?
An experience always helps me to look at the reality from different angles but at the same time it enables me to discover new boundaries in myself, I discovered unknown things about myself namely that I detest obligatory sentiments; I detest imperialistic ideas as well.
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