We do not compose the same poems.
Every time we get something new to know.
Sometimes we walk barefoot,
Sometimes too fast or too slow.

Sometimes we stay at home,
Sometimes we go out, whatever the weather.
Sometimes we walk alone.
Sometimes we go together.

Some of our thoughts are dead,
Some of our dreams are gone.
Sometimes we say goodbye
Sometimes we say: welcome!

Sometimes we fail
And we have to start again.
If there is not a bus,
We need to take the train.

Sometimes we cry,
Sometimes we play.
Sometimes we keep things,
Sometimes we throw them away.

Sometimes we meet everyone
In common places.
Sometimes we have a good mood,
Sometimes we have awful faces.

Sometimes we hate,
Sometimes we love.
Sometimes we look down,
Sometimes we look from above.

Sometimes something is very familiar to us,
Sometimes it is really strange.
These are the dynamics of life.
Be not surprised: We change!

